Personal advice

Clasping hands

Besplatno savjetovanje o našim proizvodima naša je dužnost kao odgovornog proizvođača. U navedenoj satnici može se doći i bez prethodne najave ili rezervacije termina. Ako imate medicinsku dokumentaciju ponesite ju sa sobom. Održavamo i savjetovanja u pojedinim ljekarnama, prema dogovoru. Kontaktirajte nas za termine.

Personal advice

Our products are most effective when taken therapeutically, i.e., as prescribed long-term therapies. We offer individual consultations and determine the therapeutic approach for specific health conditions and ailments. Consultations are possible in person, by phone or by e-mail.

Medical documentation reviews

We review the existing medical documentation and advise the appropriate therapy.

Personalized therapy recommendations

We recommend the therapy that is best for you by reviewing the medical documentation.

Kontrola i prilagodba terapije

Prilagođavamo Vam terapiju ovisno o tegobama i kontroliramo stanje.

Savjetovalište za apiterapiju

Tina Ujevića 7 / 10 410 Velika Gorica
Phone:01 / 6216-444

Working hours:
Monday: 15-18h
Wednesday 10-18h
Consultations are also done by phone


Frequently asked questions and answers

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write to us.

Leave your name, surname, and message in the fields below and contact us directly. We will answer you as soon as possible

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Or call us :)

(+385) 01/6216-444
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