Pčelar Radovan Petrović Pčelar Radovan Petrović

Privacy Policy


We care to a great extent about the protection of your personal data. We use your personal data in accordance with the purpose for which you provided it to us. Radovan Petrović d. o. o. collects, processes and uses personal data only with your permission and in accordance with legal regulations.

Please read our Privacy Policy carefully to understand our procedures regarding your personal data, as well as your rights arising from the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation.

By using the website of Radovan Petrović d. o. o., you accept our Privacy Policy and our cookie policy.

Personal Data

According to the Regulation, personal data is a piece or a set of data that unequivocally points to a specific person and identifies them or makes them identifiable.

An individual whose identity can be determined directly or indirectly through personal data is called a “respondent”.

Data Collection

Radovan Petrović d. o. o. collects only the personal data that you have entered of your own free will through available web forms for subscribing to receive our newsletter or through contact with the employees of Radovan Petrović d. o. o. or its authorized representatives.

In order to establish contact, your express written consent is necessary.

Some personal information about you or your business may be collected from the forms and surveys you complete on our website and the details of your visit to our website, including information that can result in your identification, such as your Internet Protocol (IP) address.

We collect some data automatically, using web cookies, which you can read more about in the Cookies section.

Radovan Petrović d. o. o. does not sell or share your data, but it is possible that information about you may be included in the data that Radovan Petrović d. o. o. obtained from third parties for the purpose of communication with clients.

After revocation of consent to receive advertising materials, participation in the program is still possible. For revocation, please contact us at info@radovanpetrovic.com

Data Processing

According to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), processing is defined as any procedure or set of procedures performed using personal data or sets of personal data, either by automated or non-automated means such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, retrieval, inspection, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, matching or combining, restriction, erasure or destruction.

Purpose and Use

Radovan Petrović d. o. o. collects your personal data from you in order to get in touch with you, exchange information and send you notifications and marketing messages for which it believes could be relevant, interesting and useful to you or that you must receive according to a contract or law.

If you provide appropriate consent when visiting our website, you allow Radovan Petrović d. o. o. to maintain communication with you for promotional purposes. Such communication can take place as long as you do not exercise the right to terminate it at any time by request or if Radovan Petrović d. o. o. does not decide to stop the practice of such communication.

In certain situations, Radovan Petrović d. o. o. acts on behalf of its clients as a processor of personal data, whereby it acts exclusively according to the client’s orders and ensure that all procedures are fully in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Radovan Petrović d. o. o. may, from time to time, use this information to identify visitors to its website as well as to use such information for the purpose of better understanding their behavior.

Web Cookies

The webpages of Radovan Petrović d. o. o. use web cookies. These are small pieces of code that your browser automatically executes and are necessary for the adequate display of webpage content on all devices. Without them, the use of the webpages would not be possible. The information collected in this way does not contain personal data and serves to improve the functioning of the webpages and improve your user experience.

Deleting web cookies is possible through your browser settings. For more information on how to delete them, contact the browser manufacturer.

Cookies placed on this website:

First-Party Functional Cookies

The ASP.NET_SessionId cookie stores the visitor’s session state in the page requests. For example, it remembers your shopping cart status for the duration of your visit to the website. This cookie is created by our website and it is used only by our website. The cookie is removed after closing the internet browser. If the user rejects the cookie, the use of the shopping cart might not function.

Third-Party Analytical Cookies

Analytical cookies collect information about how visitors use the website so that third parties can perform an analysis with the aim of increasing functionality and creating content that will best meet the user’s information needs. We use the services of Google Analytics.

The _gat and _gid cookies are removed when the internet browser is closed, while the _ga cookie remains stored on the device and is not deleted nor expires automatically.

If you want to prevent the aforementioned service from saving cookies, you can do so according to the instructions on the following website: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

Third-Party Advertising Cookies

We use the services of third parties to publish ads based on the interests of the users who have previously visited www.radovanpetrovic.com, which are determined based on their internet searches. These cookies collect demographic data and/or data on the pages the users have visited, the products they have viewed and the conversions they have made as a result of advertising campaigns. For example, these cookies are used to:

  • determine the number of users who viewed the service after clicking on an ad;
  • display ads that are tailored to the user’s demographic profile or based on their specific interests, including ads on other websites;
  • display ads, on other webpages, that are related to the services that the user viewed on the webpage; and
  • avoid displaying ads that users have already seen.

We use the following advertising cookies:

Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data

The legal basis for collecting personal data can be:

  • the consent given by visitors to the website of Radovan Petrović d. o. o. by which they permit collection for a clearly indicated purpose;
  • any contractual obligations towards business partners;
  • the legitimate interest of Radovan Petrović d. o. o.;
  • the need to respond to marketing inquiries; and
  • any legal obligation.

The legal basis is in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Legitimate interest of Radovan Petrović d.o.o.

The promotion of all services and products offered by Radovan Petrović d. o. o. on its websites and in general is done for the purpose of improving business and increasing the level of the quality of services and products, as well as for the purpose of increased user satisfaction.


By taking the conscious action required to give a positive answer to the question by Radovan Petrović d. o. o. about your consent to your personal data being collected when visiting its website, you give your consent to the processing of your personal data for the previously stated purpose.

Radovan Petrović d. o. o. shall process data following your consent taking into account the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation.

You can withdraw your consent at any time by sending an electronic message with the appropriate content to info@radovanpetrovic.com or by sending a letter to the address indicated at the end of this document.

Statement on transfer of data

Radovan Petrović d. o. o. may, on certain occasions, forward your personal data to third parties, but exclusively for business related to its own activities and in the sense of the consent obtained from you. In such cases, Radovan Petrović d. o. o. asks the third party to agree to process the obtained data solely on the basis of our instructions and needs that are in accordance with your consent, this Privacy Policy and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

We will not forward nor sell information obtained from you without your permission, but it is quite possible that we may still disclose your personal data, solely for the purpose of complying with relevant legal provisions or legally valid requests from competent government authorities.

Retention policy

Radovan Petrović d. o. o. will process personal data during the duration of each contract and official business relationship, and will continue to store personal data only for the duration of the statutes of limitations that apply according to the applicable legal regulations in the Republic of Croatia.

After the expiration of these statutes of limitations, data from any contracts and relationships that have ceased will be deleted.

Radovan Petrović d. o. o. will delete the personal data of any person who has withdrawn their consent, unless a valid legal reason for retaining that data has arisen in the meantime.

Radovan Petrović d. o. o. will delete, without delay, all your personal data that is not necessary for the realization of a legitimate interest and when such interest ceases.

Data storage

Radovan Petrović d. o. o. stores data in accordance with all the necessary criteria provided by legal regulations and the General Data Protection Regulation, and does not store any data outside the EU.

Links to other websites

This Privacy Policy applies to the website of Radovan Petrović d. o. o. www.radovanpetrovic.com and all sub-domains of that website that are available at the time of your visit.

The website of Radovan Petrović d. o. o. contains links to websites of other entities that are not covered by this Privacy Policy.

When you leave the website of Radovan Petrović d. o. o., we recommend that you read the privacy statements on every website that collects personal data, as we are not responsible for them.

Notification of changes

Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be posted on our website and elsewhere as appropriate.

Your rights as a respondent

We ensure the conditions required for you to be able to decide on the processing of your personal data. In addition to the aforementioned right to withdraw consent, we provide you with the following rights.

  • The right of access — you have the right to receive confirmation about whether or not your personal data is being processed. If your data is processed, we must provide you with access to that data. You can request the following information:
    • the identity and contact details of the person or organization (Radovan Petrović d. o. o.) that determined how and why to process your data;
    • the contact details of the Data Protection Officer, where applicable;
    • the purpose of processing, as well as the legal basis for it;
    • if processing is based on the legitimate interests of Revert members or a third party, such as one of its clients, information about these interests;
    • the categories of personal data collected, stored and processed;
    • the recipient(s) or categories of recipients to whom the data is/will be disclosed;
    • how long will the data be stored;
    • the details of your rights to amendment, erasure, restriction or opposition to such processing;
    • information about your right to withdraw consent at any time;
    • how to file a complaint with a supervisory authority (data protection regulator);
    • whether the provision of personal data is a legal or contractual requirement or a requirement that is necessary for the conclusion of a contract, as well as whether you are obligated to provide personal data and the possible consequences of failure to provide such data;
    • the source of personal data if not collected directly from you; and
    • the details and information about automated decision-making, such as profiling, and any significant information about the logic involved, as well as the meaning and expected consequences of such processing.
  • The right to amendment — you have the right to request the correction of inaccurate personal data and the right to add personal data to complete any incomplete personal data.
  • The right to deletion — in certain cases, you have the right to request the deletion of your personal data.
  • The right to data transfer — you have the right to request that the data someone stores about you be forwarded to another entity.
  • The right to restrict processing — you have the right, in certain cases, to request that restrictions be imposed on processing.
  • The right to object — you have the right to object to certain types of data processing and collection, such as direct marketing. This includes the right to object to the automated processing of personal data and to profiling.
  • The right to complain to a supervisory authority — if you believe that the processing of your personal data is in violation of the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to submit a complaint to the competent supervisory authority. For the territory of the Republic of Croatia, the supervisory authority is the Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency, with headquarters at: Martićeva ulica 14, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia, web: http://azop.hr/, phone: +385 1 4609 000.

You can request that the above requirements be fulfilled:

  • by visiting the headquarters of Radovan Petrović d. o. o. at Petrova ulica 1, Zagreb;
  • by sending a request to info@radovanpetrovic.com
  • in writing, using the address of the headquarters.

In order to protect you as the owner of personal data, it is necessary for you to appropriately identify yourself as the respondent, which will serve to Radovan Petrović d. o. o. as a sufficient guarantee that it is providing personal data to its actual owner.

Contact details for voicing objections, resolving misunderstandings and questions

In order to send in your complaint or objection, and should you want to resolve any misunderstanding, ambiguity or doubt regarding your personal data processed by Radovan Petrović d. o. o., please do so using the following contact details:

Radovan Petrović d.o.o.
Tina Ujevića 7
10 410 Velika Gorica
Republic of Croatia
e-mail: info@radovanpetrovic.com


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